Last week in Nursery

We had a very busy time last week in Nursery.

We read the story ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’. We then planted beans using kitchen roll in a plastic bag. We watered our beans and then hung them on the window. I will take photographs of the beans as they grow and post them on here.

Some frogspawn arrived in our tank in Nursery. We were very excited and used magnifying glasses to look closely at the frogspawn. We talked about what we thought it was, if it would change and what we thought it would turn into. By the end of the week there were some tadpoles swimming around the tank!

The children who were in Nursery made Mother’s Day cards and presents. They decorated strips of paper using heart and star shaped cutters dipped in paint and sprinkled with glitter which decorated a plant pot in which they planted a viola plant for their mum.

We hope you all had a lovely Mother’s Day!

Mrs Meddins, Mrs Kenning and Mrs Maltby