Monday 22nd June home learning


Good morning Nursery children and families,

I hope you have had a lovely weekend.

This week our activities will focus on ball games.

Our book this week is called ‘Kicking a Ball’ by Allan Ahlberg. The story is below for you and your child to listen to. When you are listening to the story talk to your child about the rhyming words






Now I would like you to find some t-shirts or tops (sports shirts would be perfect!). Ask your child to write one number for each shirt on paper and stick it onto the back of each shirt. Now can they hang the numbered shirts in the correct order? There is a link below to football shirts for you to print out if you wish.

To extend this activity ask your child to choose two numbers, put a ‘+’ symbol in between the two numbers and ask your child so add them together. They can use lego blocks, cheerios, pasta etc to count. 




Today I would like your child to play this word family and colour slam game.

  • markers
  • coloured paper
  • tape
  • ball

 How to play:

  1. Write a variety of word family words on different coloured paper (for example -op-am, and -at word family words)
  2. Tape the words to the wall or ground.
  3. Call out a word for your child try and find it and SLAM it by hitting it with a big ball. Do this again and again with each word.
  4. Then ask your child choose the word they want to hit and get them to sound out that word and point to it. Then they get to SLAM the word they chose with the ball. Do this again and again and let your child pick what words to read and which words to hit.

To make the activity easier:

  1. Call out different colours and ask your child try and throw the ball at that colour card. 
  2. If your child is unsure of their colours, ask them to throw the ball at any colour card. Once they hit one, say the colour they hit and see if they can say the name of that colour! Play again and again!
  1. Put alphabet letters on each card and ask them to slam the sound of the letters of the alphabet!

Nursery Rhymes are filled with word family words, so reading them is also a great way to introduce your child to these fun rhyming words!







If you have a range of balls put them into a large tray filled with water. Your child can investigate which balls float and which balls sink. Include ping pong balls, tennis balls, small beach balls, bouncy balls, air flow balls and foam balls if you have them. Can your child talk about what happens when the balls are put in the water? Do they notice similarities and differences between the balls?

Have a lovely day everyone!