Monday’s Home Learning Ideas


Good morning Nursery children and families,


I hope you had a lovely day on Friday celebrating VE Day?


Today we are going to start the day by getting our bodies moving:




Today, as the weather is a little colder than recently I would like you to make a rainbow reading den using colourful fabric, cushions and fairy lights. Once you have made the rainbow den you can take some of your favourite books to read in it or take your toys and play inside it; you could even have a picnic inside it with your family.

When you are looking at your books can you spot any of the letters we have learned in our phonics? Or any letters that are in your name? Maybe you can even spot some words which you can read or recognise.



Now I would like you to grow your own rainbow. Here are the instructions; if it is easier for you, fold up the kitchen roll and place either end in the bowls; this way you do not need to use a paper clip and thread.


Finally I would like you to make a feelings wheel like the one I have made. You can draw pictures of any feelings your child may have been displaying during lockdown. Each day they can talk to you about how they are feeling and move the peg to the corresponding picture.