Nursery Home Learning – Goldilocks and the Three Bears


Here are some ideas for home learning this week. They are all based on the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.



Physical Development

Join in with the teddy bear dance!

Do the bear walk! 

Expressive Art and Design

Use cushions and blankets to build a bear den or cave. Can you curl up in here to hear a story? Show a teddy bear the den.

Draw a picture of your favourite teddy bear

Sing and join in with the actions to this song

Communication, Language and Literacy

Read/share the story of Goldilocks and the Three bears

Watch different versions of the story on YouTube, here is one for you to try. 


Feed teddy the correct number of cakes

Can you dress a teddy in some clothes? Take a photo of your dressed up bear!

Understanding the World

Watch these video clips about bears and discuss them with your child.

If you can, perhaps you could make some porridge with your child? Or make honey sandwiches?

Mathematical Development

Sing a teddy bear counting song

Collect some teddy bears – can you count them? Can you order the teddy bears biggest to smallest?

Collect 3 sizes of some other items (cups, plates, spoons, pencils, socks etc.) Can the children sort them into big, middle sized and small. Which items would be for daddy, mummy and baby bear?