Nursery – Week Beginning 8th February 2021. Nursery Rhyme Week


The school are having a well – being week this week. The idea is that learning will be a bit more creative or practical, with less emphasis on screen time.

This week, rather than having one story as our focus, I have planned activities that link to five well known nursery rhymes.

It is completely up to you what order you cover the work. I’m sure you will have plenty of fantastic ideas of activities that will link to the rhymes too.

It would be great if you could encourage your child to practise writing their name each day.

Incy Wincy Spider.

Here is the rhyme with Makaton signing for your child to join in with.

Mathematical Development

Draw a spider for your child and help them to count the legs. Draw some circles and ask your child to draw on the spiders legs. Can they count how many legs they have drawn? Can you tell them how many to draw and help them to count and draw the right number?  If you have pegs you could cut a cardboard circle out and ask your child to put on peg legs. Can they count the legs? This is a great activity for developing your child’s fine motor skills and counting!

Understanding the World

Can you go on a spiderweb hunt? Look on fences, trees etc for the webs. Are there any spiders? Have any other insects got caught in the webs? Why? Discuss this with your child. Perhaps your child could take a photo of any webs they find?

Communication Language and Literacy/Physical Development

Encourage your child to create ‘s’ for spider patterns. They could use water and paintbrushes on the floor outside or on a fence. Perhaps they could use gloop, (video with instructions below). Perhaps you could squirt some shaving foam into a washing up bowl for them to use, or sprinkle some flour/glitter onto a plate. Or even provide your child with a selection of crayons/pen/pencils and ask them to write ‘s’ for spider on paper.



Baa Baa Black Sheep

 Here is the rhyme, again with signing.

Expressive Art and Design.

Can you make some fluffy sheep using cotton wool or perhaps you could use scrunched up tissue paper?


Mathematical Development

Draw three bags onto a piece of paper and count them. Collect a selection of small items (coins, buttons, hair clips, Lego blocks, small toy animals/cars, dry pasta pieces and so on). Ask your child to count out 3 of an item, for example “Count out 3 cubes”. Can they put one in each bag?



Humpty Dumpty


Expressive Art and Design

Hard boil some eggs, let them cool and ask your child to decorate them. They can use paints or felt pens will also work.

Understanding the World/Communication, Language and Literacy.

Make boiled eggs and toast soldiers with your child. Ask your child to follow instructions to fill the saucepan with cold water, or spread butter onto the toast.

  •  eggs
  • bread
  • butter or margarine spread


  1. Cook the eggs in boiling water for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Toast the slices of bread then spread with butter or spread.
  3. Cut the toast into soldiers and serve with the boiled eggs.

Mathematical Development

Use an empty egg box. Count the sections with your child . Ask your child to count and put one block/raisin/button etc into each section. How many have they used?  Or perhaps you could colour each section and ask your child to put matching colour objects in?



Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Communication, Language and Literacy

Make a dark tent using blankets with your child. Ask your child to choose their favourite story and read it in the dark tent using a torch, or the torch light on your phone.

If you have some sparkly glitter, sprinkle this onto a tray or plate and ask your child to mark make in this using their finger. Can they write their name in the glitter?

Here is a lovely story about a star.


Mathematical Development

Draw some stars for your child to count (up to 5 or 10 depending on the ability of your child). Can they find the matching number card from their resource pack?

Expressive Art and Design

Collect colourful or shiny packaging over the week and cut it up into small pieces. Cut out a cardboard star (from a cereal box is ideal) Ask your child to glue the pieces onto the star. They could decorate both sides and it could be hung using string.



Row Row Row Your Boat

Here is the rhyme with Makaton signing to join in with.

Physical Development

Sit opposite your child on the floor, both of you with your legs crossed. Join hands and rock backwards and forwards as if you are on a boat whilst you sing the song

Understanding the World.

Explore things that float and sink with your child. This can be done in the bath or in a washing up bowl of water. Collect a selection of items that will not spoil if they get wet. Ask your child to carefully place an item in the water. What happens? Explain to your child that if it stays on the water it is floating. If it goes to the bottom of the bath or bowl of water it is sinking. Can they explore and sort the items – which ones float and which ones sink?

Expressive Art and Design.

If you have a large box or a laundry basket, allow your child to use this as their boat. Can they sit in the boat? Where will they go to? Encourage them to role play being on a boat.


Here is Nursery favourite Mr Tumble with lots more rhymes for you to join in with.