Thursday’s ‘rainbow’ home learning

Hello Nursery children and families,

The weather is going to be warm and sunny again today; please enjoy the sunshine and do the activities outside if you are able to.

Today can you make a large rainbow on the floor using toys and household items to make each of the 7 colour bands? 







How many items did you use to make each colour band? Can you write that number next to the colour band? How many items did you use to make the whole rainbow?


When you are out for a walk with your family, or playing in your garden, find a stone which is flat and smooth when you touch it. Can you use paint, pens or chalk to colour a rainbow onto the stone; if you are able to find and make lots of them put them in a pile in your garden. When you have a look in a few days time are there any minibeasts under, on or behind the rainbow stones?

These are the Makaton signs for the colours of the rainbow which you can watch and have a go at doing; as we always do in Nursery remember to ‘sign and say’.

It’s time to sign:

and here is Mr Tumble singing ‘I can sing a rainbow’. Can you join in?

Have a lovely day everyone!

I would love to see pictures of all the lovely rainbows you’ve been making. You can send them to me at our Nursery email address: