Tuesday’s Home Learning


Hello Nursery children and families,


To start the day I would like you to warm your bodies up with some Zumba:



Now, time to listen to a story. Today’s story is called ‘The Rainbow Fish’. When you have listened to the story ask your child about it; What happened in the story? Who was in the story? Which part of the story did they like best? What happened at the end of the story? You could pause the story at some point and ask your child what they think is going to happen:


Now I would like you to create a rainbow fish. There are lots of different ways to create a rainbow fish. Here are some ideas; but you may have an idea of your own:

Or you could use the colours of the rainbow to decorate your rainbow fish:

The rainbow fish made his friends feel special by giving them one of his special scales. How do you make your friends feel special? How do you show your friends that you like them? Can you tell your grown up and they can write the words for you to copy or you may be able to write some of the words yourself. I would love to see all your rainbow fish pictures and ideas. You can email them to me Nursery@holytrinitycepa.co.uk



Now you have created your fish, I would like you to write some numbers onto small pieces of paper. When you have done this I would like you to say what the number is and put that amount of items onto your fish; you can use buttons, pieces of pasta, stickers…..anything you have at your house.

Have a lovely day everyone!