Open Days – Do you have a child due to start school in September 2023?

Is your child due to start school in September 2023?
Come along to one of our Open Days. Have a look at our fantastic facilities and meet the staff.
Tuesday 8th November 10am – 11am
Wednesday 9th November 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Thursday 24th November 5.00pm -6.00pm

Open Days for children starting school in September 2023 will be on the following dates 8th, 9th and 24th November (see below). We would love the opportunity to show you around our amazing facilities and meet some of our staff. Children can start school in reception at the beginning of the academic year following their fourth birthday. Therefore, children born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 can start primary school from September 2023. Please note that the online facility is open from 2 November 2022. You must apply by 15 January 2023. Applications received after the 15th January, without exceptional reasons, are considered late. Late applications will not be processed until all the applications received on time have been allocated. This may result in your child not being offered a school place at your preferred school.

Apply here: