Charity Bake Sale for Alzheimers Research & Diabetes UK

Every year as a school we support two charities which are very special to us, they are:

Diabetes UK AND Alzheimer’s Society   

 This year we are supporting these two charities by having a non school uniform day and a bake sale.

On Friday 14th June the children can donate a £1 and come to school in their own clothes for the day.  We will also be holding a bake sale at break time and lunch time for the children to purchase cakes and biscuits for a small donation.

In order for this event to raise lots of money we would like to ask for any donations of cakes, cookies, biscuits etc.  We would appreciate all donations whether they are homemade or shop bought, every little helps us.

We hope that we can count on your support!  Please send any donations into class with your child/ren or feel free to drop them off at the office.