Christmas Jumper Day – Raising funds for Hope House

On Christmas Jumper Day, Friday 14th December we have agreed to support Hope House (a local charity) instead of the usual ‘Save the Children’. The children have already had an assembly from Hope House explaining how they use any monies raised.
We will have collection boxes in all the classrooms and would appreciate any donation however big or small from the children and staff.
Here are a few words from Rachel, the Hope House & Tŷ Gobaith representative:
“Hope House Children’s Hospices support seriously ill local children and their families with respite care, sibling support and counselling, both at our hospices in Oswestry and Conwy and out in the community. Last year, thanks to the support of our wonderful community we were able to care for more than 700 families. We’re so grateful to Holy Trinity Primary Academy for choosing to support Hope House through 2018’s Christmas Jumper Day. Please join in by wearing your favourite Christmas jumper and know that you’re making a huge difference for local children this Christmas. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your support and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Jumper Day!”