Creation Challenge

Good morning Holy Trinity, today I am setting you a ‘Creation’ challenge.

Either read the Genesis version of the Creation Story in the Bible

Or watch the film:

You may enjoy listening to this song based on the Genesis account: It’s All Good (Beautiful World) – Bob Hartman’s Rhyming Bible Songs

Then try these interactive creation activities:

Creation Pair Game

The Drag and Drop Creation Story

Exploring the Creation Story

Using a paper plate or a paper circle, create your own animals. Either use these ideas below as inspiration or design your own:






There have been many artists inspired by creation, have a go at copying some of the paintings or design your own:

Have a go at gardening yourself – even if you haven’t got a garden you could always try growing things in a pot.

Here are some websites that might help you get going:

Or simply try planting some seeds – sunflowers, cress, lettuce, carrots and poppies are all easy to grow.

I’d love to see anything you have a go at. Please email me your creations to

Enjoy being creative, Mrs Price 🙂