Earth Day – Thursday, 22nd April 2021

Hello everyone! It’s Mrs Thompstone here and I would like to tell you about Earth Day 2021.  This is a worldwide event where we come together to celebrate our wonderful Earth, and today, Thursday, 22nd April 2021, is Earth Day.  Every year there is a particular theme, this year the theme is ‘Restore Our Earth’.

Our Earth is precious and it is important to make sure we look after it.  Here are two video clips explaining the history of Earth Day.

I would like you all to take part in an activity based on Earth Day.  Below you will find a range of different activities for you to choose from, or you may wish to come up with your own activity idea.  You can take part on your own or with a family member, you will be able to share your ideas and plans, as well as develop your understanding and learning of Earth Day.

Once you have completed your activity, please take a picture and either send it to your class teacher through your class email, class dojo, or please email them direct to me at  The deadline for our activities is Thursday, 28th April, and everyone who enters will receive a prize!

Please do have fun, be creative and resourceful, develop your understanding of our wonderful world, and get your family members involved.  Remember to stay safe and please do ask permission from a grown up before using any resources.

Build a Bug Hotel

Build a hotel made from natural resources that any creepy, crawling insect would love to call home!  The image below give you some ideas- they’re a little bigger than you may create but it gives you an idea of what you can use to make it. Make a Bird Feeder

Create, build or decorate your own bird feeder that robins, blue tits, wrens or any number of garden birds would love to feast from!  You could use natural resources or materials you have at home. You may want to make a single feeder or a bird feeding station! 

Create a Nature Garden

Dedicate a small section of your garden to nature and the animals that visit it! Add a small area of water for bees or birds to drink from, add natural materials insects can call home or even add a box for a hedgehog. 

Decorate a Bird Box

Create a lovely home for a family of birds by decorating a bird box. You may choose to build your own bird box to decorate or decorate one that is bought.  

Create a Eco Poster

Pick an Eco topic that you are passionate about and create an eye-catching poster that informs people on your topic of choice. This could be using less electricity, recycling more, reducing the amount of plastic used, reducing greenhouse gas emissions or reducing deforestation for example.  Whatever topic you pick, make sure your poster is really eye catching and gets your message across. You could do this on paper, card, on the computer or in any inventive way your like!

Bake Earth Cookies

Follow the receipt to create your own Earth Cookies.

Climate Change Fact File

Carry out research and create an interesting fact file on climate change.  Find out what climate change is, how it is caused and what we can do to reduce this.  You may wish to research Greta Thunburg for support on your fact file.

Earth Day Acrostic Poem

Create an acrostic poem based on Earth Day.  You may wish to use the words such as Earth Day, World or Restore our Earth.

Let us prayer together to celebrate our wonderful Earth.

Dear God,

Help us to care for and love our Earth, and all of creation you have blessed us with.


Good luck everyone, I cannot wait to see the activities you have completed.