Haughmond’s week!


Year 6 have had a busy week this week. They have enjoyed their PE lesson with Callum and Tom on Tuesday. For the next 6 weeks they will be doing tag rugby with Callum and Tom. On Wednesday, they had their first swimming lesson. It was great to see how confident all the children were in the water.

In our topic lesson on Thursday, the children used their chronological skills to place together the events of The Titanic sinking. They worked well in small groups, and were successful at completing the timeline.

After a busy week, all Y6 children enjoyed a morning at Parkhall, attending Lifeline. At Lifeline, the children enjoyed participating in 9 workshops, working with emergency services such as: the police, first responders, fire brigade, trains and transport police and many other professions. All children represented the school well, and were complemented by organisers of the event for their behaviour and smart uniform.

I am looking forward to another busy week of learning and fun next week.

Miss Scoltock