Home Learning – A Huge Thank You.

I really cannot thank you all enough for working so hard in supporting your children at home. I appreciate what a challenge it can be entertaining small children, especially when their ‘normal’ has changed so drastically. I wanted to reassure you that no two homes and ways of working will look the same during this time. Please do not compare what you and your child are doing to what other people are doing.

Each child and home situation is unique and you are the expert on your child. You will know when your child is able to sit and work quietly on set tasks or when they need to play a game, listen to a story, go for a walk or bounce off their energy. Some children and families are preferring to work through the paper home learning packs, others are using the activities posted on the website. Others are dipping in and out of both, or creating their own activities. All of these are fine, and all will be helping your child to learn.

The work and photographs being shared with me and conversations I have had with you are proof of what a great job you are doing with your children. Keep going, your children are amazing and a credit to you. If I can support in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or by ringing the school.

Here are just a few more examples celebrating what your children have been busy doing at home.