Home Reading Books

In order to reduce shared resources between home and school, we are changing the way in which we organise our home reading. We will be sending an appropriate reading book home with your child on a Friday along with their Reading Diary, we will not comment directly in the Reading Diaries but will check your comments and contributions. Their books will be changed on the following Friday.

Children will read at school on a regular basis and we will keep our own detailed records. Feedback on the progress your child is making and any support you may be able to offer will be communicated to you via your child’s class email. Likewise, we would encourage you to communicate with your child’s class teacher via the class email.

Younger pupils will be able to access additional reading books using our Bug Club online reading resource and complete a wide range of reading based games and activities. Their class teacher is able to see their progress. Should you have any difficulties accessing this resource please contact your child’s class teacher. We appreciate your continued support.