It’s the final count down!

Year 6 have been working hard this week and are feeling confident about SATs next week.

There is no homework this week as we would like the children to relax, get some early nights and plenty of sleep in preparation for their week ahead.

This term, we have a new topic on India and we look forward to exploring this vibrant country and it’s landscape, physical features and climate.

After SATs, we hope to do lots of art work, PE, music and drama around our topic, so therefore would ask if all PE kits could be left at school.

Most of you have already signed the SATs breakfast letter, which offers the children a free breakfast of bacon/ sausage rolls, cereal and toast. This is a chance for the children to relax, chat with their friends and get ready for their tests in plenty of time. Breakfast will be served from 8.00 a.m and children may enter through the hall doors.

We are so proud of all Year 6 achievements and we know they will try their very best. Thank to all parents and carers for your continued support.