Lawley’s Week!

Lawley have been working extremely hard again this week.  In Maths children have been looking at less than and more than, we made the most of the lovely weather and took our lesson outside.  In English we have looked at full stops, capital letters and neat handwriting, as well as using our senses to describe what’s in the bag.  In Science we looked at what animals eating, learning about carnivores, omnivores and herbivores. In RE we have looked at the creation story, Genesis 1.1-2.3, and children created a board showing what God created each day.  We finished the week with ICT, where children were setting up instructions, programming the bee bots and watching them follow their instructions.

Well done to all the children who have been practising their spellings at home as well as reading.  Raffle tickets have been handed out for their fantastic efforts, let’s cobtinue the fantastic home support.