Lawley’s Week

We’ve had a very busy week in Lawley.  The children have been working hard creating their memory boxes. They are all very individual and personalised and look brilliant.  Everyone has taken them home to fill, and it is essential they are returned on Monday 10th ready for sharing to the class.

In English we have completed our recounts and are now starting to look at information texts. In maths we have been measuring in cubes, cm and m, with the whole class measuring their height and making comparisons using the correct sentences.  In RE we looked at how Jews celebrate Passover and in Science we have started looking at the properties of materials.  In topic we had another portrait art session where the children learnt who Paul Klee was and designed their own portrait based on his work.  We had attendance Ted join us in PE today, learning different ways of moving around the hall and equipment.

Remember it is our class wedding on Wednesday at Holy Trinity Church.   Please send your child with clothes to change into as well as the permission slip.  Parents and caters are welcome to meet us at the church at 1.30pm.  If anyone would be willing to support the class walking, please see myself or Mrs Morgan.