Lawley’s week

Everyone has worked incredibly hard this week with our phonics screening check, the children have shown off their excellent phonics skills and should all be very proud of themselves, we certainly are! In English our focus has been grammar with children learning about suffixes, prefixes and plural sentences.  In Maths we have been looking at position and direction, children focussed on learning their left and right, forwards and backwards, as well as turning clockwise and anti-clockwise.  Children directed each other as well as using the Bee Bots.  In Topic we focussed on art and children have made Great Fire of London pictures by tearing strips of paper and gluing them down.  They all look fantastic and the children were happy how they looked in class. In PE we have been looking at narrow and wide with children showing different ways of stopping in a narrow or wide shape.  In PSHE we were lucky enough to be visited my Nurse Jenny and Community Support Officer Kurt (see our classes previous post).