Lawley’s week

Another busy and productive week in Lawley.  In English we have been writing an independent short narrative based on The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch with children showing what we have learnt over the last few weeks. In Maths children have been demonstrating their counting skills by counting up to one hundred and partitioning numbers into tens and ones.  In Science we took advantage of a dry afternoon and completed a walk around the school field looking for wild flowers, we found buttercups, dandelions, nettles and daisies. In PE we have been practising for sports day with the children skipping and using the eggs and spoons, all did very well and tried their best! In Topic we focused on the location of Rhyl and used google maps to look around the town in preparation for our trip next week.

Just a reminder that our trip is on Tuesday. Children must wear their school uniforms but are allowed to wear trainers.  They must bring a raincoat and packed lunch, and if it is sunny, please can they have sun cream applied prior to coming to school.  It’s going to be a great, enjoyable day.