Oswestry Youth Music Festival

Today, two Year 5 children from Stiperstones attended the Oswestry Youth Music Festival at Christ Church.

Both children sang ‘Daisy Bell’ by Dacre. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves and represented the school well.

Alissia commented, “I was the sixth person to perform. It was nerve racking, but I found enough courage within me before I started to sing. I performed well and achieved the grade ‘Merit’. Which meant that I performed a capable performance, showing some artistic appreciation and technical ability. I had great fun watching the other children at the festival, performing their pieces as well.”

Amneet commented, “I was the ninth person to perform. All the people who performed before me were wonderful, making me more nervous, because I had never performed a vocal solo before. Unfortunately, the nerves slightly got the better of me and I ended up forgetting some of my lyrics. I found bravery and courage within me, to continue my performance, despite the mistakes and completed my solo piece. As a result of forgetting my lyrics, I only managed to achieve a grade ‘Fair’. However, I would like to have the opportunity to preform a solo vocal piece again, so I can improve upon this performance.”