Our week in Lawley!

This week in Lawley we have focused on The Great Fire of London in Topic, where children  learnt about what happened and ordered the events in table groups.  In English we have started looking at The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch where children have been focusing on using and to join two sentences together.  In Maths we have completed our fractions unit with the children recapping on halves, quarters and three quarters.  In PSHE we have looked about people who help us and what they do, getting prepared for Nurse Jenny and PC Mabe to visit us next Wednesday.  In Science we have started our new unit on Plants, we have discussed what plants need to grow and everyone planted a sunflower seed, we are looking forward to seeing who’s grows the tallest! We also planted seeds for our class experiment where one seed had no soil, one seed will have no water, one seed will have no light and one seed will have soil, water and light.  The children made predictions on which seed will grow the best.  In PE we have been practising for sports day which ended in us all running around the big track, it was very tiring!

The children have all been working really hard in phonics, leading up to our phonics screening check starting Monday 10th June.  We can’t wait to see the children show off their fantastic phonics skills.