Our week in Lawley!

We’ve had another busy week in Lawley, with all the children working extremely hard.  In English, the children have put all their recently learnt skills together to write their own newspaper report based on The True Story of The Three Little Pigs.  In Maths, we have started our new topic on weight and capacity, with our focus for this week being weight.  The children were introduced to heavier than and lighter than, then used the balancing scales to measure the weight of various items around the classroom.  In PSHE we have learnt about Stranger Danger, talking about who are safer strangers and what are safe places, such as police officers and supermarkets.  In Science children carried out their planned investigation on strength.  As a whole class we tested various materials to see which the strongest was by sitting on them.  Everyone’s original prediction was correct and the whole lesson was great fun!

Remember it is Parents Evening on Tuesday 26th March, I still have appointments available so please let me know and I will arrange a time.  If Tuesday is not suitable, please do let me know and I can arrange an alternative time one day after school.

Also, our trip to Whittington Castle is coming up on Monday 1st April.  If you have not done already, please do send the reply slip back to school to let me know if your child is coming with a packed lunch or if school need to arrange one.  We are all looking forward to our class trip!