Space week in Lawley!

Lawley have joined in with the rest of the school with Space Week.  We have turned our focus in many of our lessons on space.  In English we have created ways in which our pirates can get into space, created an alien they would meet as well as designing and naming our own stars, based on our book How to Catch a Star.  In Maths we have completed our place value unit by looking at and using ordinal numbers and number lines, the children came up with a range of races to take part in to aid their understanding of ordinal numbers.  We have also been fortunate enough to have a visit to the space planetarium up in key stage 2, where we were able to look at the stars and the different star constellations. This caused a lot of excitement!

In Science we looked at our senses, then following sense testing we looked at a picture of an astronaut on the moon and discussed the senses we could use and experience if we were there.  On Wednesday we looked at the planets in our solar system and decorated biscuits based on our favourite planet.  We linked this with our democracy unit in PSHE by voting for our favourite design.  On a Friday we took part in circuit training with our visiting athlete, Amy, this was followed by an assembly where the children learnt what it would be like to be an athlete.

Well done and thank you to everyone who entered our home learning competition, the winners will be announced soon.  Also, a huge thank you to Mrs Platt for organising space week, it has been extremely enjoyable and the children and adults have had fun learning about space!