Star of the Week and Readers of the week for this week and last week.

Well done to Thomas and Ruby for becoming our Stars of the week.

Thomas has been really trying hard with all of his work last week and this week. His handwriting has made significant improvement and he is working on his presentation in all of his books.
The swimming teacher was also saying what a fantastic front crawl Thomas has. He demonstrates excellent swimming strokes within the top group.
Ruby is trying so hard in every subject. She shows such enthusiasm to all learning and she takes real pride in her work and demonstrates resilience in all subjects including ,maths which she sometimes finds more difficult.
Ruby has a very kind heart and will always help others and it thoughtful to their feelings.
Her art work is amazing and her swimming teacher praises her hard work and commitment in the top group in our weekly lessons.
Readers of the week!
Krissi and Anastazja have produced some excellent reading diaries and have been reading every night. Well done to both of them.