Welcome Back Haughmond!

Mrs Pike, Miss Ford and I would like to welcome Haughmond back for the Spring Term. All the children have settled back into the school routine well and have been working very hard. We have started some intensive Maths interventions at 8.45 in the morning with small groups whilst we have Miss Ford with us, so if you can get to school as near to that time as possible, the children will benefit greatly.

This term is very important for the Y6’s, as SATs are getting ever closer.

I would just like to re-enforce my expectations for this term: all children should be reading at least 5 times a week and be documenting their reading in their reading records. They need to  bring their reading books and records into school each day.  Spelling will be set on a Monday and homework on a Tuesday. Homework will include: weekly spellings, Maths, Comprehension and grammar. A week is given to complete homework. I expect all children to hand their homework in the following Tuesday.

PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday. All children are expected to have a full PE kit in school (shorts, t-shirt, trainers).

We are studying World War 2 and the children have been fascinated with the their learning.We look forward to a very busy, but fun filled term.

Best Wishes

Mrs Platt