Year 1 Phonics Zoom Meeting

Hello Year 1!

Just a reminder that on Monday, 19th October I will be holding a zoom meeting for Year 1 parents.  This meeting is about phonics and how we deliver phonics in school, as well as information on how you can support your child at home, and about the Phonics Screening Check in June.

There will be two meetings; 2pm and 5pm.  Here are the login details for you to access the meetings:

Topic: Mrs Thompstone’s Meeting
Time: Oct 19, 2020 02:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 999 1144 0827
Passcode: szfY58


Topic: Mrs Thompstone’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Oct 19, 2020 05:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 975 8231 4588
Passcode: B8Tmsi


I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible online tomorrow.


Mrs Thompstone