19th October- Stiperstones Home learning

Good morning,

Please find a list of activities you can complete throughout the day, if you are home learning.

TT Rockstars

By clicking on the link below- it will send you to our school login page for TT Rockstars.



In English, we are continuing with our biography of Charles Darwin. Below, I have attached the biography sentence starters, to help you. I have also attached some information sheets about Charles Darwin to help you with your writing.




In maths, we have started our new topic ‘adding and subtracting’. Today we are going to look at adding four digit numbers.

Watch the video below first, to help you with your column method.

Once you have watched the video, you can click on the link below, to complete the work sheet.






In computing today, we are continuing with our coding. I have set a ‘To do’. Below, are the objectives for the lesson.