Friday’s Learning

English lesson four:

Today, I would like you to watch the video clip again below from yesterday’s learning about a dancer in a clock tower.

The children should then write a short descriptive piece of writing to explain the story told within this video clip. Try to use lots of adjectives and interesting vocabulary to describe the dancer and her surroundings. Describe, in detail, what happens to the dancer’s surroundings when she leaves the tower and what she then decides to do at the end of the clip. Pay careful attention to make sure you also use punctuation carefully and read your writing out loud to make sure it flows.

Maths lesson four:

For today’s lesson, I would like the children to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of identifying the multiples of certain numbers.

Please follow the link below to practice identifying numbers by playing an interactive game.


P.S.H.E lesson:

For this lesson, I would like you to pick a charity of your choice to research online and create a poster on this charity to explain what the charity does to help certain groups of people.

You could include lots of information about the charity for example, when, where and why the charity was formed?

How do they raise money or awareness for the charity?

Who do they try to help and what do they do to help these people?