Friday’s learning

English lesson five:

Today’s English lesson is an art based activity based on the Oliver Jeffers book we have been studying this week. This is an activity that we would like you to take lots of time and care over, so you also have the opportunity to complete this piece of art for your afternoon lesson today to ensure you have enough time to complete the work to your best and highest standard.

Please follow the link to access the PowerPoint below that will explain your English/ Art activity for today.

English planning for Friday 15th January

Maths lesson five:

During today’s lesson, we will be learning about how to multiply a number by 100.

Firstly, complete the fluent in five maths warm-up below, to get your brain ready for today’s lesson.

Once you have completed the fluent in five, watch the video clip below to give you some help in understanding how to multiply a number by 100.

Aut5.9.4 – Multiply by 100 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

After you have watched the clip, complete the worksheet below on today’s learning.

Multiplying by 100 worksheet