Friday’s Learning

English lesson five: 

During today’s lesson, you will be bringing all our learning together from the last to weeks to review the Oliver Jeffers book ‘What We’ll Build’. Please click the link to access the PowerPoint for today’s learning which contains a clip that should help you review the book and complete the task that has been set.

Friday 22nd January English lesson

Maths lesson five:

Firstly, please complete the fluent in five maths warm up below to get you ready for today’s learning.

Today, we will be using the understanding we already have from our previous maths lessons to now be able to work out multiples of 10, 100 and 1000. Once you have completed the fluent in five, please watch the video below to help you with today’s learning.

Aut5.10.4 – Multiples of 10 100 and 1000 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

After watching the video clip, please click the link below to access the worksheet on today’s lesson.

22.01.21 multiples of 10, 100 and 1000

Afternoon lesson: 

To end our short topic of the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark, for today’s topic lesson we would like you to try and build your own Dam, using the designs you created in a previous lesson and the knowledge you now have on how dams can be used to prevent flooding.

This may require you to use your imagination to make use of any spare resources and materials you may have at home for example, old cereal boxes, in creating your model. The model can be created however you wish to make it but must resemble a Dam and show your knwoledge of the features of a dam.

However, if you do not have any useful resources at home to be able to make a Dam, we would instead like you to create a detailed piece of artwork that represents an even within the story of Noah’s Ark.

Please click the link below to give you some further guidance on creating your model as well as giving you some more useful knowledge about flooding.

Friday, 22.01.21 afternoon lesson- Building your own Dam