Friday’s Learning

Good morning Stiperstones. It is the last day of our of home learning today so, we are very excited to see you all back at school on Monday. Enjoy your last day of remote learning and we looking forward to seeing you on Monday.

English lesson five:

We have now come to the end of our book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’. In our English lesson today, we will be reading the final chapter of our book. I hope you have all loved this book as much as we have. Today, your aim is to write your own ending to the story, describing in detail, the final outcome of the story.

The PowerPoint is available for you to access below, to guide you through our task for today.

English Friday 5.3.21[1533]

Maths lesson five:

For today’s maths lesson, we will be continuing to reinforce our knowledge on multiplying a three digit number by a two digit number.

Please click the link below to be able to access today’s learning PowerPoint. From the PowerPoint, please firstly complete today’s fluent in five maths warm up activity. Once you have completed this, you should continue to work your way through the examples to help you with today’s learning and then continue to complete the ‘must, should and could’ available for you.

Lesson 5- Friday 5th

The video to help you with today’s learning is also available for you to watch below.

Spr5.2.2 – Multiply 3-digits by 2-digits from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Afternoon science lesson:

In the story of Joseph, Joseph has a number of strange dreams that contained messages from God. During one of these dreams, Joseph dreamt about the moon and the stars, so, for today’s afternoon lesson we will be learning all about the life cycle of a star.

Please click the link below to be able to access today’s science lesson.

Stars and their life cycles![1715]