Health and Fitness Week

Happy Monday Stiperstones,

This week our learning will be celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week. With school being partially closed and lots of uncertainty, children’s and adults mental health has never been more important.

Here is a message from The Duchess of Cambridge, discussing the theme for this years Children’s Mental Health Week 2021.

The aim of learning this week, is to reduce the amount of screen time children, parents and staff are having and for learning to be more fluid, to help relieve some stresses.

Therefore, I will do not be posting work daily, instead I have created a timetable of learning for you to follow throughout the week. Each morning there is English and Maths based activities and each afternoon has a theme of learning. Our English lessons are going to be based around the book ‘We’re All Wonders’, written by R.J. Palacio.


At 2pm everyday, we will be having ‘Read and Relax’ sessions on Zoom. This will involve Miss Jones and I reading a short story or poem to you. 

Click on the link below to access the timetable of learning for the week:

Stiperstones-Health-and-Fitness-Week-Timetable updated

Throughout the week, you may want to keep a well-being journal. Below is a template for your journal.

Wellbeing Journey