Home Learning 16.7.21

Good morning Stiperstones,

We have made it to Friday and the last day of our online learning. Thank you for your excellent participation this week in our Zoom Lessons and for submitting fabulous work to me daily on Dojo.

At 9am we have got our English Zoom and as it is Friday I thought we could have a fun Sticky Knowledge Quiz to finish the week. Please find the Zoom link for this below:


Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: English/ Quiz Zoom
Time: Jul 16, 2021 09:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 941 0949 9622
Passcode: Hello

Our English lesson today is going to involve us answering RIC questions based on the chapter ‘Fight’ of our class text ‘To the Edge of The World’ by Julia Green.

Before you can complete the questions, you need to watch and listen to the video recording I have put on Dojo of me reading the chapter ‘Fight’. Once you have listened to the recording you can have a go at completing the questions below:

Chapter ‘Fight’ 16.7.21


On a Friday morning we usually have French. Today we are going to continue labelling and learning the different parts of the body in French.

Warm up by singing heads, shoulders, knees and toes in French.

Have a go at completing the worksheet attached below:

French Worksheet 16.7.21


Today in maths we are going to explore 3D shapes. Join our Maths Zoom at 11am:

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Maths
Time: Jul 16, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 970 4875 5618
Passcode: Hello

Watch this video before joining our zoom at 11am

After our Maths Zoom have a go at completing the work sheets below:

Reasoning-about-3D-shapes 16.7.21





Watch the short clip of Blue Planet below. After watching the clip, choose one or two marine animals you’d like to further research and create a fact file on.


Have a good day and weekend team 🙂