Home Learning 30.3.21

Happy Tuesday Stiperstones,

Unfortunately, due the announcement yesterday of a positive case of Coronavirus, we are back to online learning for the next three days. The same principles are in place as last time. The children are expected to attend all Zoom lessons (we will be having 3 each day), and submit completed work to me via Dojo or the class email each day. 

Firstly, as it is Tuesday, we need to do our weekly spelling test. Our spelling test will be at 9.30am-  You will find the Zoom link for the spelling test below. I will be testing both my group and Miss Jones’ group.

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Spelling Test
Time: Mar 30, 221 09:30 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 965 0046 5855
Passcode: Spellings


Our English for the next three days is going to be based around the book, ‘How to Heal a Broken Wing’ by Bob Graham.

LO: To write a poem on Kindness

Use ideas explored in the book and the video below to help you write a poem on Kindness.


In maths we are continuing with our Fraction work, comparing fractions. I will be doing a live maths lesson on Zoom at 11am- the link is below.

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Maths
Time: Mar 30, 2021 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 951 3183 7033
Passcode: Maths

Spr5.6.1 – Compare and order fractions more than 1 (second part of worksheet) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Complete these questions on the worksheet below, as part of today’s maths lesson.

Y5-Spring-Block-2-WO6-Compare-and-order-fractions-greater-than-1-2019.pdf (whiterosemaths.com)


In RE, we are going to continue exploring the events of the Holy Week. Today we are going to explore the events of Maundy Thursday. 

LO: To inference the thoughts and feelings of Judas during the last supper.

How do you think Judas felt about betraying Jesus?

What do think the other disciples thought of Judas?

What the video below, then write a detailed paragraph, describing and inferencing Judas’s thoughts and feelings about betraying Jesus.


At 2pm each day we will be having our Read and Relax sessions again over Zoom. The link for today’s session is below:

Miss Scoltock is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Read and Relax
Time: Mar 30, 2021 02:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 978 9476 3165
Passcode: Story