Monday’s Learning

Good morning Stiperstones, I hope you have had a lovely, restful weekend.

This week, we have lots more exciting learning activities planned for you. In English, we will be continuing to study the adventure story ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ and in our afternoon lessons, we will continue to complete activities surrounding the Biblical story of Joseph.

I hope you all have a brilliant week.

English lesson one:

For today’s English lesson, we will be continuing to study the book Kensuke’s Kingdom and today will be reading chapter 6. While studying this section of the text, we will be looking at which features are used by the author to create different images within the story.

Please click the link below to be able to access today’s PowerPoint that will guide you through today’s learning.

English Monday 1.3.21[1530]

Below is also the link to access the book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’.

Maths lesson one:

During our maths lesson today, we will be exploring other mathematical techniques that can be used to allow us to multiply a two digit number.

Please click the link below to be able to access today’s maths learning. Please firstly complete the fluent in five warm up activity first before working through the learning examples and then completing today’s ‘must, should and could’.

Monday 1.03.21 Lesson 1[1686]

Please also watch the video below to guide you on today’s learning.

Spr5.1.4 – Multiply 2-digits (area model) from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Afternoon R.E. lesson: 

Over the last week, we have been learning about the Biblical story of Joseph.

For this afternoon’s R.E. lesson, you will be recounting the story of Joseph by filling in the gaps in this story, following the worksheet available for you below.

Please click on the link below which will allow you to access today’s PowerPoint that will help you to recap and rewrite the story.

Monday, 1st march Joseph story recount PowerPoint

Monday 1st March Recount template Worksheet