Stiperstones Home Learning 12.7.21

Unfortunately Stiperstones are back to online learning for this week.

We will be zooming three times a day this week twice in the morning and once in the afternoon.

For this afternoons lesson we would like you to write an inspiring free verse poem using quotes from famous people.  In your green books you will find a  printed a copy of these for you to add into your poem. The National Association of Teachers for RE have set up a Poetry and Art competition for you to complete. We will be choosing a piece of work from each class to be entered into the competition so you must try your best in order to be chosen.

Please click the link below to see the PowerPoint for the lessons .

12.07.2021- english powerpoint

Monday 12h July 2021 ART

To create the Art work we would like you to choose from the people you looked at earlier in your English lesson. I have listed them below to remind you.

  • Nelson Mandela
  • Martin Luther King
  • Mother Teresa
  • Mahatma Gandhi

OR you can choose a new person. Maybe someone important from your faith, or a friend, or a family member.  Perhaps someone from your place of worship. In fact, maybe you want to include more than one person in your piece of art.

You will complete artwork on paper and to add colour you can use whatever you have at home ( felt tips, colouring crayons, paint etc . )

Please email your work once complete to Miss Scoltock or send a picture in via class dojo.

As always please continue to do your daily reading, practice your times tables and handwriting .

Please log onto the zoom link tomorrow for your English lesson at 9.00am.