Thursday Learning

It’s World Book Day.

Today, we are celebrating World book day which is a very important day dedicated to all the amazing books that are available for us to read. This day allows us to be able to share our love of reading and our different favourite books that may inspire others to also enjoy our favourite stories.

Today also gives us the chance to have fun dressing up as our favourite characters from these books so you can also dress up at home if you wanted to. It would be lovely if you could upload some photos to class dojo of you in your World book day costumes or a short written piece or video of you describing your favourite book.

Our afternoon lessons will be dedicated to celebrating World book day so we have some fun activities planned for you.

I look forward to seeing all your wonderful outfits and hearing about your favourite books.


English lesson four:

For our English lesson today, we will be learning all about what a haiku poem is and identifying the features of this type of poem. By the end of the lesson, we will aim use our senses to create your own haiku poem based on the vocabulary and events within the story of ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’.

Please click the link below to be able to access the PowerPoints that will guide your through today’s learning.

English Thursday 4.3.21

Maths lesson four:

For maths today, we will move on from our learning yesterday by multiplying a three digit number by a two digit number using the written method.

Please click the link below to be able to access today’s maths lesson that will guide you through our learning. Please firstly complete the fluent in five maths warm up activity and then continue to complete the examples on each slide, followed by the ‘must, should and could’.

Lesson 4- Thursday 4th

The video is also available below to help to guide you through today’s learning.

Spr5.2.2 – Multiply 3-digits by 2-digits from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.


Afternoon World book day lesson:

For World book day, we are  studying the book ‘The day the pencils quit’ by Oliver Jeffers. The video of the book is available for you to listen to below.

Instead of studying this book as it is, we are going to be doing a slightly different activity this afternoon for year 5 and 6 that adds an exciting twist to this story.

Like the pencils in the story, the chairs in Stiperstones and Haughmond have had enough in our classroom’s today and decided to riot and leave our classrooms. They have written some very interesting letters to our class, detailing their reasons for leaving. You must read these letters carefully and try to encourage the chairs to come back to class by writing a persuasive reply to their letters.

Click the link below to access today’s PowerPoint that will guide you through our afternoon session.

The Day the Chairs Quit

You can also access some extra activities by clicking the link below you could complete throughout the day as well like making yourself a bookmark or creating a book cover inspired by your favourite book.

I hope you have a lovely time completing our World book day activities.

