Thursday’s Learning

English lesson three:

For today’s English lesson please watch the video clip about a dancer that lives in a clock tower and answer the comprehensive questions below the video. Please answer the questions in full sentences with as much interesting and descriptive language as you can.

Comprehension questions:

  1. Firstly, describe the dancer in the tower.
  2. Why do you think the dancer spins around continuously in the top of the tower?
  3. How do you think the dancer feels when she is in the tower? Use interesting adjectives to describe her mood and thoughts.
  4. What does the dancer see that makes her leave the tower?
  5.  What happens when the dancer leaves the tower? How do things change in the village when she leaves?
  6. What does the dancer realise when she leaves the tower?
  7. What does she then decide to do at the end of the clip?
  8. What do you think could happen next?


Maths lesson three:

Firstly, complete the math’s fluent in five warm up below before continuing on to the rest of today’s learning.

The children should then watch the video below to understand how to work out the common factors of two numbers.


Aut5.8.3 – Common factors from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Please follow the link below to access the worksheet that should be completed for today’s learning.

Common factors lesson three

P.E. lesson

Kickstart your lockdown with Joe Wicks for this afternoon’s P.E. lesson.