Thursday’s learning

English lesson four:

During today’s English lesson, we will be continuing to learn about the Oliver Jeffers’s book by exploring different perspectives within the story.

Please follow the link below to access the PowerPoint of today’s learning and complete the tasks set.

English planning, Thursday 14th January

Maths lesson four:

For today’s maths lesson, firstly complete the fluent in five maths warm-up shown below.

multiplying by 10 worksheet

After you have completed the fluent in five, please watch the video clip below to give you some help with learning how to multiply a number by 10.

Aut5.9.3 – Multiply by 10 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have completed watching this clip, please complete the worksheet below on today’s learning, multiplying a number by 10.

multiplying by 10 worksheet.

Afternoon Geography lesson:

For this afternoon’s lesson, following on from our learning about the story of Noah’s Ark, we will be learning about the causes of flooding and the different types of flooding which exist.

Please watch the video below to give you an understanding on why flooding exists.

Once you have watched the video, please click the link below to access the PowerPoint to tell you all about flooding. Follow the PowerPoint through and complete the two tasks that are set within the PowerPoint for today’s learning.

what is flooding PowerPoint