Thursday’s Learning

English lesson four:

During today’s English lesson, we will be looking into which objects we most value within our lives and why as well as answering some comprehensive questions about the Oliver Jeffers book.

Please click the link below to access today’s PowerPoint and complete the tasks that are set on the slides.

Thursday 21st January English lesson

For certain parts of this task you will be required to read through some of the book again so I please watch the video that is attached on the slides for you. I have also uploaded the video below just in case.

Maths lesson four:

Firstly, please complete today’s fluent in five maths warm up activity below:

Once you have completed the fluent in five, please watch the video below to help you with today’s learning on dividing numbers by 1000.

Aut5.10.3 – Divide by 10 100 and 1000 from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, please click on the link below to access and complete the worksheet on dividing numbers by 1000.

21.01.21 dividing numbers by 1000

Afternoon lesson:

Firstly this afternoon, we have our P.E. lesson, so please watch the video below and join in with Joe Wicks to get yourself active.

Once you have completed Joe Wicks, give yourself a short cool down break and then please complete the rest of this afternoon’s lesson below.

For this afternoon’s lesson we will be looking into animal habitats. A habitat is a natural home or environment which an animal, plant or organism lives in. For today’s lesson, you will be learning about the benefits a flooded habitat can have for certain animals.

Please click the link below to access the PowerPoint on today’s learning and complete the tasks that are set.

floodplain lesson