Thursday’s Learning

English lesson four:

For our English lesson today and tomorrow, we would like you to create a newspaper report, based on the story of David and Goliath. Think about the newspaper reports you wrote just before the Christmas break on the birth of Jesus and use this to help you create your own report based on this Biblical story.

You will have both today and tomorrow to complete your newspaper report, so try to make sure they are the best you can do and have lots of interesting, detailed language to make the reader want to read your report. This time will also allow you to write up your newspaper report on purple mash once you have already handwritten your reports first.

Please click the link below too access the PowerPoint that will help you with creating your reports.

Thursday and Friday planning .[920]

Maths lesson four:

In maths today, we will be looking into how to measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear shape. A rectilinear shape is a 2D shape whose sides all meet at right angles.

Firstly, complete today’s fluent in five maths warm up below to get your brain ready and in the maths mindset.

Following this, please watch the video clip below to help you to learn how to calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear shape.

Aut5.11.4 – Perimeter of rectilinear shapes from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, please try to complete the worksheet that is attached in the link below.

perimeter worksheet, 28. 01. 21

Afternoon lesson: 

For the first part of today’s afternoon lesson, we would like you to go onto purple mash and complete the coding task that has been set for you as a task to complete. Please complete this lesson as part of your afternoon computing lesson.

Once you have completed the coding task, finish off your Thursday with some P.E. by completing the Joe Wicks video that has been posted below.