Thursday’s Learning

English lesson four:

For our English lesson for both today and tomorrow, we will be beginning to write a recount of the story of David an Goliath. For this task, it would be useful for you to use Monday’s learning of creating a comic strip on the story of David and Goliath. The recount we will be doing in English today, however, should be more detailed than the comic strip recount we created but it could be used as a guide to plan the order of the events that happened when writing your own recount.

Make sure you take your time in creating your recount as you have both today and tomorrow’s lesson to complete this task.

The recount must also include setting the scene as to where the battle happened and describe the characters in detail within the story and how they are feeling at each point. You should also make sure you use year 5/6 vocabulary and punctuate your writing as accurately as possible. It would be useful for you to edit your writing by reading it out loud to make sure it flows and you have used punctuation and spelling correctly.

Please click the link below to access today’s PowerPoint that will guide you further through this task.

Thursday 4th February

You may also use the worksheet below to help you recall the events within the story.

Sequencing cards 4.2.21[1017]

Maths lesson four:

Please firstly, complete today’s fluent in five maths warm up as your first task today.

For today’s maths lesson, leading on from calculating the area of compound shapes, we will now be using this knowledge to learn how to calculate the area of irregular shapes.

Please firstly, watch the video below to be able to understand how to calculate the area of an irregular shape.

Aut5.12.4 – Area of irregular shapes from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched the video, please follow the link below to access the worksheet for you to complete for today’s task.

Calculating area of an irregular shape

Afternoon lesson:

For this afternoon’s lesson, we will be dong P.E. and computing.

Please firstly, try to complete Joe Wicks’ video workout below.

Once you have completed your workout, please complete the task that is set for you on purple mash this week on computing.