Thursday’s Learning

English lesson four:

In English today, we will be continuing to learn about the book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’. For this lesson, we will be exploring events that have happened within the book and trying to look at them from the perspective of a different character within the story. You must then re-write the event from the perspective of this different character. You can then also write a character description to describe the orangutan within text if you complete the first task.

The PowerPoint for today is available below to guide you through today’s tasks. the worksheet for you to complete the extension task is also available for you to access below.

English Thursday 25.2.21[1374]

Thursday English Lesson 4 Worksheet[1372]

Maths lesson four: 

In our maths lesson today, following on from our multiplication lesson yesterday, we will now be learning how to multiply a four digit number using the same methods we have learnt this week.

Please click the link below to access the PowerPoint for today’s learning. Please firstly complete today’s fluent in five activity and then work through the examples on the slides, followed by the ‘must, should and could’ activities set.

Maths spring term Thursday 25.02.21

The video to help explain today’s learning too is also available for you to watch below to help explain the learning further.

Spr5.1.3 – Multiply 4-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Afternoon lesson four: 

For P.E. this afternoon, have fun completing Joe Wicks online workout video below.

As we are currently learning about the Biblical story of Joseph, we would like all the children at home and in school to create a performance of the song ‘Any Dream Will Do’, from the musical of Joseph and his technicolour dream coat- a story all about the story of Joseph.

So, following P.E. this afternoon, we would like you to spend this time rehearsing this song. Watch the video below to allow you to learn the lyrics to this song. Pay careful attention to what you think these lyrics mean and how they relate to the Bible story of Joseph. It would be lovely to see some of you singing this song or creating a dance routine for the performance.