Tuesday’s Learning

English Lesson Two:

During today’s lesson, you will be looking through a WAGOLL (what a good one looks like) based on the Oliver Jeffers book we are currently studying, to describe key features within the book and identify key writing features used.

Watch the video clip below to remind you of the book.


Please follow the link below to access today’s learning. Please work through the PowerPoint and complete the activities set.

Tuesday 11th January English online ppt

Maths Lesson Two:

For today’s maths lesson we will be learning how to work out square numbers.

Firstly, complete the fluent in five mathematical warm up shown below:

Please watch the video below to help you to understand how to work out a square number:

Aut5.9.1 – Square numbers from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Once you have watched this video, please follow the link below to complete the worksheet on square numbers:

square numbers worksheet

Topic Lesson Two:

For this afternoon’s topic lesson, you will be re-writing the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark in your own words. You should re-write the story in the correct order in which each event happened and draw pictures to represent each even of the story.

Click the link below to follow the PowerPoint, which will help you to write each stage of the story in order and give you ideas on how to present your work. Use detailed language and make sur you use punctuation correctly.

Re write the Story of Noah’s Ark