Tuesday’s Learning

English lesson two:

For today’s English lesson, we will continue to study the book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’. Today, we will be identifying words within the text that may not be familiar to us and attempting to understand what these words mean. For this lesson, you will need access to a dictionary. If you do not have a dictionary at home, you could use an online dictionary.

Click the link below to access the PowerPoint that will help guide you through today’s learning. The worksheet for you to complete for today’s lesson is also available for you to access below. If you are unable to print this worksheet, instead you could write the answers to each column onto a piece of paper or in a notebook, writing the meaning to each word we are looking into and then try to put these words into a sentence.

English Tuesday 23.2.21[1375]

English Lesson 2 Worksheet[1370]

Maths lesson two:

In maths today, following on from yesterday’s multiplication lesson, we will be learning how to multiply a 3 digit number.

Please watch the video below which will help you to understand how to work out how to multiply a 3 digit number.

Spr5.1.2 – Multiply 3-digits by 1-digit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Please click the link below to be able to access today’s PowerPoint which will guide you through our learning and allow you to work through some examples before completing the ‘must, should and could’ like you would in class, Try to complete as much of this as you can. The fluent in five for today is also available on the PowerPoint for you to complete first.

Maths spring term Tuesday 23.02.21

Afternoon History lesson:

For today’s History lesson, following our learning about the story of Joseph, we will be looking into where the Biblical story of Joseph was set, Egypt. From this, we will learn all about the different roles that people had within Egypt at the time the story would have been set and what role Joseph would have had.

Please click the link below to access today’s learning.

Tuesday 23.02.21 Egyptian lesson-Social Hierarchy

The worksheets for this lesson are also available below.

Tuesday 23.02.21 Egyptian social pyramid[1299]

Tuesday Egyptian hierarchy cut outs 23.02.21

Tuesday 23.02.21 Egyptian headdress template