⭐️Super Stiperstones ⭐️

Half a million reader! 📚

A huge well done to George Wilson, for being our class top reader with reading over 500,000 words. It’s a great achievement, which we are all very proud of.

Star of the Week 🌟

Well done Anwen Chesters, for being our superstar this week. Anwen is our star for her amazing results in our recent assessments. Your hard work and studious efforts certainly pay off.

Our learning 

Stiperstones have had a busy few weeks, in PE the have been focusing on their fitness, balance, flexibility and strength.


Year 5 have enjoyed learning our forces in our science unit. They have explored many scientific enquiry skills, through investigations around friction, gravity and water resistance.

Our history unit this term is exploring the cause and impact of WW2. On Wednesday, the children had great fun learning about evacuees and participated in a ‘hot seat’ activity where by they tried to ‘put themselves’ in the shoes of an evacuee.

On Friday afternoon, we begun our DT unit of textiles. Our aim is to make a cushion cover, firstly we needed to practise our threading of a needle and simple running stitch skills. Everyone showed great perseverance with threading their needles and showed very good stitching skills.