Friday Shout Out

We have come to the end of our first week of remote learning, a huge well done needs to be given to all the children who have submitted some excellent home learning this week.

A BIG SHOUT OUT to these children at home working very hard:

Aaliyah                                          Krisi                                            Mia

Ella                                                Lauren                                        Zain

Anastazja                                      Lexi

Harry                                             Mason

Krasimir                                        Megan


Well done for submitting work to me this week on Dojo, Purple Mash and via the class email. Keep up your fantastic work!

A BIG SHOUT OUT is needed for the children who are in school working extremely hard too:

Alex                                              Kayra                                          Taiya

Argir                                             Larna

Blake                                            Rahman

Cody                                            Ruby


Stiperstones, you have made me very proud this week, keep up your hard work! Remember Dojo points will be awarded for the submission of good home learning and prizes will be given to the children who reach 50 dojo points.

From next week, I will announce a ‘Stiperstones Superstar’- this will be an individual who I feel has gone above and beyond with their learning. Each week there will be a new Stiperstones Superstar.

Please do not hesitate to message me if you have any questions about work set.

I look forward to another exciting week of new topics. Have a restful weekend and stay safe.

Miss Scoltock