Stargazers 💫🚀

Happy half term Stiperstones.

We have had a busy half term, the children have settled back into school life extremely well, making me very proud. With half term starting, it means our Stargazers topic has come to an end. The children have throughly enjoyed this topic and have produced some excellent work.

They have enjoyed learning about the solar system to exploring the events of the Apollo 11 mission.

In English Stiperstones wrote fantastic stories about a chimp in space. Then then explored the life of Tim Peake and wrote informative detailed biographies about him.

In science Y5 have been studying Earth and Space, in our assessment all children demonstrated good understanding of the unit and were able to apply their scientific knowledge.

It has been a very busy half term, the children have all worked extremely hard. The work produced has been outstanding and has made be very proud.

Thank you for a wonderful half term Stiperstones.