Stiperstones’ achievements ⭐️

Another week has past, it’s time to celebrate this week’s achievements in Stiperstones.

We have had another successful and busy week in Stiperstones this week. Y6 have been working hard with Miss Kerr on their reading Comprehension, other children have been impressing Mrs Taylor with their place value knowledge and everyone have been impressing me with their hard work and positive attitude in class.

Our school Trust (St Chad’s), have organised a poetry competition for the children to participate in. The children all wrote poems about their ‘special’ places. It was very difficult to chose only 6 poems to put forward to the final stages, as everyone created fantastic poems. We had well written, beautiful poems about the seaside, the park, bedrooms, gardens and many other places. The children’s imaginations came alive, it was lovely to see.
Well done to everyone in Stiperstones, a special mention needs to be given to the six children below, whose poems have been submitted to the Trust.